


Saturday, August 10, 2013

Getting Personal

When I started writing this Blog a year ago, it was mostly to document the house building process, with a little bit of personal mixed in.  I found that writing a blog was a lot harder than I expected.   Who is my  audience?  Why do they care about what I have to say?  How personal am I willing to get?  In addition to all these questions, my writing skills were/are challenged by this form of writing.   I've spent the last several years writing technical documentation and training material.  I strive to be succinct, and to the point.  No room for flowery descriptions or lengthy directions.  My audience needs to be able to look at the paper/website and glean the information they need in a very short amount of time.  I'm careful to leave out personal opinion and emotion from my documents and presentations.

When i wrote about my feelings last night, I was reminded how cathartic writing from the heart could be.  I realized that maybe it's ok to open up a little.  I don't need to pour my heart out in every post, but I do need to put more me into my writing.  I look forward to this challenge. I hope to see my creative writing ability improve.  

I still don't know my audience for this blog.  I don't know if I'm writing for a specific demographic (cooks, crafts, moms, general).  For right now, I'm writing for myself; and, if you want, if you have the time, stop by and read what I have to say.  

1 comment:

  1. Hi Carmen! I appreciate what you have to say!

